The Alcohol Free Drinks Company - Stand M26

Before March 2021 Alcohol Free Beer had been in my eyes, that warm bottle of dusty Kaliber that was (never in the fridge) at the back of a shelf in a pub reserved for the poor nominated driver or the pregnant woman who just craved a taste of beer…..

These are the Kaliber Beer Mats I bought off eBay to remind myself of where my and I suspect many other people’s perceptions of Alcohol Free Drinks actually is, they live on my desk as a constant reminder of how far this industry has actually come in the past few years.

However back to the reason for setting the company up, it was Fathers Day and I was having lunch with my eldest son Jonny in a nice Italian restaurant in Manchester and he ordered a pint of Moretti and I asked for a cold Alcohol Free Beer, I was shocked to find that not only did the restaurant not have one they didn’t stock any, partly due to an apparent “lack of demand” and partly because it wasn’t easy to get hold of, but I can also say Diet Coke just didn’t hit the spot for that lunch…..

At a later date, I went out for a curry to be offered an Orange Juice, sparkling water, or a coke. None of which goes with a curry….. fact!

So I started to do some research around a few people I knew in the industry and there were a number of issues stopping many restaurants, cafes, sports clubs from stocking a range of decent products. I also found that the range of Alcohol Free Drinks available now was massive and about as far away from the dusty bottle of Kaliber as you could get, indeed many of them were so good you wouldn’t know they were without alcohol.

So the business was born and I started trading in August 2021, with a simple aim, go back to old school FMCG selling and visit every possible establishment that could sell Alcohol Free Drinks (you don’t need a license to sell anything I stock) and present them with the huge opportunities there are for Alcohol Free Drinks. I would like to enable venues to provide choices to their customers and to help to normalise drinking Adult Drinks without the need for alcohol.